quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

Weapons RPM

         Cell Shift Morpher

wnersRPM RedBlue & Yellow Power Rangers
Dispositivo Morphing & ComunicaçãoFinalidade
Chamada de comando: RPM, entrar em engrenagem!
Ative Por: Chip Insert Cell Engine, Morph Call & Ativar

A Célula é a tecla Shift Morpher Morpher dos Rangers vermelhos, azuis e amarelos.Para ativar a seqüência de Morph, os heróis devem colocar o motor de célula de ChipMorph no telefone, ligue para o Comando Morpher e depois ativar o Morpher.

Rev Morpher
Proprietários: RPM Green & Black Power Rangers
Dispositivo Morphing & ComunicaçãoFinalidade
Chamada de comando: RPM, entrar em engrenagem!
Ative Por: Chip Insert Cell Engine, Morph Call & Ativar

O Morpher Rev Morpher é o usado no pulso dos Rangers Green & Black. Para ativar a seqüência de Morph, os heróis devem colocar o motor de célula de Chip Morph no telefone, ligue para o Comando Morpher e depois ativar o Morpher.

         Cell Shift Morpher

Proprietários: RPM Gold & Silver Rangers
Objetivo: Morphing Controlador de Dispositivo & Zord
Chamada de comando: RPM, entrar em engrenagem!
Ative Por: Chip Insert Cell Engine, Morph Call & Ativar

A Sky é a tecla Shift Morpher Morpher dos Rangers Gold & Silver. Ele é modelado após o projeto de uma vara de controle de vôo. Para ativar a seqüência de Morph, os heróis devem colocar o motor de célula de Chip Morph no dispositivo, chame oComando Morpher e depois ativar o Morpher.

Este Morpher também pode combinar com o Hatchet nuvem para formar a Gold &Sky Ranger Prata Blazer Arma Shift.

Engine Ce
ll Morph Chips
Esses chips são usados ​​pela equipe de RPM para transformar-las em Rangers. Para isso, nossos heróis colocar esses chips em seus Morpherse, em seguida, ativá-los.Os Rangers Vermelho, Azul e Amarelo usar o Chip Morph azul, enquanto os RangersGreen & Black usar o Chip Morph Verde. Os Rangers Gold & Silver usar o chipvermelho com o emblema alado.
Engine Cell Chips

Esses chips Cell motor são o que o Rangers usam para alimentar seus Zords e Armamento. Uma vez que o chip é colocado no Zord, o Zord está ligado e pronto para ser pilotado. Se o chip é colocado em uma das armas, o Rangers é capaz de dispararuma explosão com a força de que chip
Engine Cell Blaster Chip

Este Chip Blaster é usado quando o Rangers formar o Megazord ZenithPara usar o ataque terminar o Megazord, o morph Rangers suas rodas de direção para o Blasterrodae depois carregar o blaster com o Chip Blaster. O chip permite então que oZenith Megazord para disparar uma poderosa explosão de todas as seis Zords.
Road Attack Zord Engine Cell

Esta célula do motor é usado para ligar e trazer a estrada de Ataque Zord online.

Nitro Blaster /  Sword
Owners:  RPM Rangers
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Nitro Blaster or Nitro Sword
Used As:  Blaster & Sword

The Nitro Blaster is the basic weapon used by all five RPM Rangers.  The weapon starts out as a blaster style weapon, but can be morphed into a saber mode.  It can be loaded with an Engine Cell to give the weapon extra fire power.
Street Saber
Owners:  RPM Red Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Sword

The Street Saber is the Red Ranger's main weapon, capable of slashing through any evil monster.
Turbo Cannon
Owners:  RPM Blue Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Blaster

The Turbo Cannon is the Blue Ranger's main weapon, capable of firing out powerful laser blasts.
Zip Charger
Owners:  RPM Yellow Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Blaster

The Speed Missile is the Yellow Ranger's main weapon, capable of firing off of the Yellow Ranger's arm, hitting enemies, and returning to her.
Turbo Ax
Owners:  RPM Green Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Battle Axe

The Turbo Ax is the Green Ranger's main weapon, capable of cutting through any villain.
Rocket Blaster
Owners:  RPM Black Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Battle Axe

The Rocket Blaster is the Black Ranger's main weapon, capable of blaster through any monster.
Road Blaster
Owners:  RPM Red, Blue & Yellow Rangers
Purpose:  Blast Weapon
Call Command:  Road Blaster!
Used As:  Combined Cannon

When the Red, Blue & Yellow Rangers combine their weapons, they form the Road Blaster.  This cannon, when combined with an Engine Cell Chip, can fire out a devastating blast.
Turbo Plasma Launcher
Owners:  RPM Green & Black
Purpose:  Blast Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Combined Cannon

When the Green & Black Rangers combine their weapons, they form the Turbo Plasma Launcher.  This cannon, when combined with an Engine Cell Chip, can fire out a devastating blast.
RPM Enforcer
Owners:  RPM Rangers
Purpose:  Blast Weapon
Call Command:  Unknown
Used As:  Combined Cannon

When all five RPM Rangers combine their weapons, they form the RPM Enforcer.  This massive cannon can fire out the most powerful blasts, with the help of the Engine Cell Chips.
Bio-Energy Field Attacks
Owners:  RPM Rangers
Purpose:  Special Attacks
Each color of the Ranger Series is designed to configure the movement of electrons within the energy bio-field, in a configuration that bends time & space in order to achieve a specific function.
Red’s Suit is designed to channel the bio-energy field for a three second burst attack.  Series Blue Suit is designed for Time Field Manipulation, it can halt the movement of electrons through the entire bio-field, suspending time for ten seconds.  Series Yellow is able to read energy signatures and focus the flow into concentrated surges.  Series Black suit is enabled with an invincibility shield that makes him completely impervious to any attack for a period of five seconds.  In theory, when the shield is fully powered, it can withstand the direct blast of a 40 mega-pulse explosion.  Finally, the Green Ranger is able to transport himself anywhere he needs.
Wheel Blaster
Owners:  RPM Rangers
Purpose:  Megazord Attack Weapon
Call Command:  Wheel Blaster
Used As:  Finisher & Blaster Weapon

To use the Zenith Megazord's finishing attack, the Rangers morph their steering wheels into the Handle Blaster, and then load the blaster with the Blaster Engine Cell Chip.  The chip then allows the Zenith Megazord to fire out a powerful blast from all six Zords. The Wheel Blaster can also be used in normal combat.  The Ranger load the Blaster Engine Cell and then fire the Blaster at any Venjix Force they are fighting.  The Wheel Blaster is capable of shots powerful enough to destroy some Attack Bots.
Cloud Hatchet
Owners:  RPM Gold & Silver Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Cloud Hatchet
Used As:  Battle Dagger

The Cloud Hatchet is the primary weapon of the Gold & Silver Rangers.  It can be used like a normal battle dagger.  However, it also has six different modes that allowing it to send out powerful attacks. Mode 1 - Slash Mode - Fire Slash Attack
Mode 2 - Ice Mode - Ice Attack
Mode 3 - Energy Mode - Energy Slash Attack
Mode 4 - Unknown
Mode 5 - Unknown
Mode 6 - Jet Mode - Flight Attack

When the Cloud Hatchet is combined with the Gold & Silver Ranger's Sky Shift Morpher, it forms the Sky Shift Blazer weapon.
Sky Shift Blazer
Owners:  RPM Gold & Silver Rangers
Purpose:  Blast Weapon
Call Command:  Sky Shift Blazer!
Used As:  Combined Blaster

When the Gold & Silver Rangers combine their Cloud Hatchets with their Sky Shift Morphers, they form the Sky Shift Blazers.  These blaster weapons are able to fire out powerful finishing blasts, with the power of the Ranger's Engine Cells.
Rail Saber
Owners:  RPM Gold Ranger
Purpose:  Defense Weapon
Call Command:  Rail Saber
Used As:  Blaster & Sword

The Rail Saber was created by Dr. K and finished by Gem & Gemma.  It's a powerful saber that get's energized by the Engine Cells of the T-Rex & Triceratops Paleozords.  To finish off enemies, the Gold Ranger can do a great slash attack with the saber. The Rail Saber can also combine with the Nitro Blaster to form the Rail Blaster.
Rail Blaster
Owners:  RPM Red Ranger
Purpose:  Blast Weapon
Call Command:  Rail Blaster
Used As:  Combined Blaster

By Combining the Nitro Blaster and Rail Saber, the Red Ranger can form the Rail Blaster.  This new blaster is powered by the three Paleozord Engine Cells.  When it is fired at a bot, a blast with the power of the Paleozord charges and blasts the target.

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